Consultation outcome
National Ports Authority Tariff Application 2019/20
Page contents
- Consultation outcome
- Approved Tariff Book financial year 2019/20
- Responses to this consultation
- Original consultation summary
- Tariff Application description
- Documents and forms
- Port Tariff Incentive Programme applications for comment
- Process timeline
- Announcements
- Public hearings registration and schedule
- How to submit a response
Consultation outcome
Following on from this consultation, the Ports Regulator of South Africa published a Record of Decision for Tariff Year 2019/20 (PDF, 2.80 MB) and released a press statement on 30 November 2018. Furthermore, on 7 December 2018, the Regulator published a Record of Decision on the Port Tariff Incentive Programme application for the 2019/20 Tariff Year (PDF, 1.10 MB). Read more about the Port Tariff Incentive Programme.
- [PDF, 2.80 MB] Record of Decision NPA Tariff Application for Tariff Year 2019/20
- Record of Decision statement on the NPA Tariff Application for Tariff Year 2019/20
- [PDF, 1.10 MB] Record of Decision on PTIP Application by Osho Cement
Approved Tariff Book
Responses to this consultation
Stakeholders' submissions and comments in response to the NPA Tariff Application and Port Tariff Incentive Programme applications.
- [PDF, 650 KB] ACMP
- [PDF, 75 KB] BPSA
- [PDF, 333 KB] Cape Chamber
- [PDF, 78 KB] CMA CGM
- [PDF, 100 KB] Coega
- [PDF, 446 KB] Department of Public Enterprises
- [PDF, 90 KB] FPT
- [PDF, 85 KB] Linsen Nambi
- [PDF, 771 KB] NPCC
- [PDF, 435 KB] Osho Cement
- [PDF, 150 KB] SAAFF
- [PDF, 619 KB] Sasol
- [PDF, 200 KB] SASSOA
- [PDF, 460 KB] The Concrete Institute
- [PDF, 1.47 MB] Transnet
Original consultation summary
This consultation is intended for port users and interested parties to submit proposals and comments on the National Ports Authority Tariff Application for the 2019/20 financial year. The consultation will run from 2 August to 12 October, 2018. Furthermore, port users and interested parties are invited to attend public hearings on the Tariff Application from 14 September to 19 September, 2018.
Tariff Application description
Transnet National Ports Authority, (“the Authority”) is required, with the approval of the Ports Regulator (“the Regulator”), to determine tariffs for services and facilities offered by the Authority and to annually publish a tariff book containing those tariffs. On 1 August 2018, the Authority submitted its application setting out its proposed tariffs for all services and facilities offered by the Authority for the 2019/20 financial year for approval by the Regulator.
Documents and forms
- [PDF, 3.01 MB] Consultation document - TNPA Tariff Application 2019/20
- [PDF, 340 KB] Correspondence - PRSA additional information request letter on the Tariff Application
- [PDF, 200 KB] Correspondence - Transnet request for the postponement of the implementation of the...
- - 23 November 2018 NOTICE
- [PDF, 2.20 MB] NPA Tariff Application roadshow presentation
- [PDF, 360 KB] Ports Regulator NPA Tariff Application roadshow presentation
- [PDF, 470 KB] NPA Tariff Application Roadshow Report
- [DOCX, 70 KB] Public hearings registration form
- [PDF, 1.01 MB] Reference document - Tariff Methodology for the Tariff Years 2018/19 - 2020/21
- [PDF, 510 KB] Reference document - Methodology for the Valuation of the Regulatory Asset Base
- [PDF, 1.50 MB] Reference document - Tariff Strategy for the South African Port System 2015/16
- Reference documents - Tariff Methodology
Port Tariff Incentive Programme applications for comment
1 Port Tariff Incentive Programme application for the 2019/20 tariff year was submitted to the Regulator. Port users and interested parties are invited to provide comments on Port Tariff Incentive Programme applications as part of the Tariff Application process. Learn more about the Port Tariff Incentive Programme
Process timeline
Date | Task |
1 August 2018 | NPA submits Tariff Application to the Regulator |
2 August 2018 | Tariff Application published for public comment |
14 September 2018 | Public hearings commence |
19 September 2018 | Public hearings conclude |
9 October 2018 | Feedback report available |
12 October 2018 | Deadline for submission of public comments |
30 November 2018 | Decision due date |
22 March 2019 | Regulator approved NPA Tariff Book available |
30 November 2018 - Record of Decision statement on the Tariff Application 2019/20 released
23 November 2018 - NOTICE
24 August 2018 - Invitation to attend Tariff Application public hearings
2 August 2018 - Invitation to submit Tariff Application comments
Public hearings registration and schedule
Port users and interested parties are invited to attend public hearings from 14 September 2018 to 19 September 2018. If you are interested in attending, download the registration form [DOCX, 70 KB]. Complete and return to . Registration to attend public hearings is mandatory.
Date and time | Venue |
Friday, 14 September 2018, 9:00am to 1:00pm | Garden Court Marine Parade, Durban |
Monday, 17 Septemeber 2018, 9:00am to 1:00pm | Emperors Palace Hotel, Johannesburg |
Tuesday, 18 September 2018, 9:00am to 1:00pm | Protea Hotel Marriott, Port Elizabeth |
Wednesday, 19 September 2018, 9:00am to 1:00pm | The Pepperclub Hotel, Cape Town |
How to submit a response
Written comments may be sent by email or post and should be addressed to: The Chairman, Ports Regulator, Private Bag X54322, Durban, 4000 or, 11th Floor, The Marine Building, 22 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001. Email to: .