Port Tariff Incentive Programme (PTIP) Roadshows

The Ports Regulator, together with the Department of Transport, the Department of Trade and Industry, and the National Ports Authority, invite you to the launch of the Port Tariff Incentive Programme. Roadshows will be held as per the dates and venues listed below.
Date: 04 December 2017 at 10h00
Venue: Department of Transport Offices Pretoria
Indaba Boardroom, Ground Floor, DoT Offices
Date: 05 December 2017 at 10h00
Venue: NPA Offices at the Port of Durban
Risk Boardroom, Ocean Terminal Building
Date: 06 December 2017 at 10h00
Venue: NPA Offices at the Port of Ngqura
Elwandle Boardroom
Date: 11 December 2017 at 10h00
Venue: NPA Offices at the Port of Cape Town
Port Control Tower Building, 10th Floor Boardroom