Request for service provider to layout and design PRSA regulatory framework and research reports
, Closed on
1. Introduction
The purpose of this submission is to request corporate services to seek quotations from service provider/s to professionally layout the PRSA’s regulatory frameworks and research outputs as outlined below by the end of March 2019.
2. Background and motivation
Over the years the Ports Regulator has developed economic regulation framework for South Africa’s ports, including a Multi-Year tariff methodology 2017/18- 2019/20, a tariff strategy, port incentive program and an incentive for improved efficiency in the port system. The Regulator has also conducted and published research studies on port capacity utilization; benchmarked operational performance of South African ports relative to ports in a global sample determined on the basis of publicly available information; a port sector review which reported on the character of the each of the commercial ports providing information of capacity and their financial performance; and the global port pricing comparator study which, now in its 6th iteration, tracks the performance of SA ports relative to a global sample on the pricing of port infrastructure and services.
These reports are available on the Regulators website. In order to further disseminate this information to port users, stakeholders, affected and interested parties, it has become necessary to publish these in a format that is compact and easy to distribute.
3. Scope
The reports to be published are as follows:
Ports Regulator Research reports:
- SA Port Benchmarking report 2015 (37 pages)
- Port Capacity and Utilisation report (71 pages)
- Port Sector Review 2015 (87 pages)
- Global Port Pricing Comparator Study 2017/18 (36 pages)
- Baseline equity of access in South African ports based on implementation of BBBEE by the National Ports Authority (69 pages) – will be provided on request
Regulatory Framework:
- Tariff Methodology 2017/18 – 2019/20 (21 pages)
- Tariff Strategy (39 pages)
- Port Tariff Incentive Program (21 pages)
- Methodology for valuation of Regulatory Asset Base (8 pages)
- Weighted Efficiency Gains from Operation (WEGO) (4 pages)
4. Services required
Service providers are required to take sample of the reports from the website and submit quotation (for design only) for :
- Design layout – professional conceptualizing and layout of the reports in appropriate format (incl. design of covers etc). Setup of artwork and design. Service providers must provide a pdf version of the artwork with high resolution images at the end of the project.
(Keep in mind for design purposes – the booklet will be published into two A4 documents. One A4 with reports from (A) to (E). The second document will be an A4 document with reports from (F) to (J). Reports must be able flow between each other)
5. References
Service providers must provide contactable references. Submission of samples of similar work completed will be an added advantage.
6. Compliance
Service providers must send through their design quotations with their CSD reports and BBBEEE certificate to Ms. Nafeesa Ally at by the 28th of February 2019, Thursday.
7. Pricing
The PRSA reserves the right to award the project or elements thereof as per scope to either one or a number of providers on the strength of the submissions therefore a clear, detailed and itemized pricing schedule must be submitted per scoped activities and per report.
Enquiries about this closed RFQ can be directed, via email, to Ms. Nafeesa Ally at .