Request for Proposals: Procurement of Information Technology Services 2021
This tender is now closed.

Prospective service providers are invited to submit bids to the Regulator to provide Information Technology Management Services for a period of 3 years. Bid documents can be sourced by emailing .
The total score that suppliers can obtain for functionality will be 100%. The minimum threshold for functionality will be 75%. All suppliers that meet the minimum threshold for functionality will be further evaluated on price and preference points (B-BBEE).
The bid will be evaluated on two phases:
Phase 1: Functionality
- Track Record: 25
- Experience and Expertise: 25
- Availability of Resources: 20
- Value proposition: 30
Phase 2: Price and B-BBEE
- The bids will be scored using the 80:20 preferential points system with 80 reflecting price and 20 reflecting B-BBEE recognition. The Regulator will only accept a valid B-BBEE certificate/affidavit (as per National Treasury Instructions).
Late submissions, faxed bids or e-mailed bids will not be accepted. The Regulator reserves the right to withdraw, cancel or not award any bid issued.
Proposals must be delivered at the offices of the Ports Regulator of South Africa no later than 15:30 on 22 April 2021, for the attention of the Supply Chain Management division. Enquiries can be directed, via email to Ms. Nafeesa Ally, email: .